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ReversingLabs Enrichment for Anomali ThreatStream


Anomali Integration

ReversingLabs provides a modular, high volume file classification system that when integrated with Anomali ThreatStream allows organizations to identify threats across your security landscape and create actionable threat intelligence. Together we allow analysts to speed the detection of threats and automate tasks typically assigned to security professionals.

The ReversingLabs plug-and-play APIs and Feeds for Anomali ThreatStream is a set of context-based enrichment functions that can be used to speed threat hunting and analysis by introducing our unique insights into the security workflow. For preventive security, threat hunters can use the enriched malware details to automatically feed SIEM, FW, IPS and EDR for matching incoming files against lists of indicators to find malware instantly or to push found indicators directly to blacklists.

Customers rely on us to help them detect threats, understand their adversaries, and then respond accordingly. ReversingLabs authoritative global reputation database provides the insights needed to close this loop.

Threat Intelligence Platform Partner