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Increase Email Security Threat Resilience

Strengthen Email Security to Combat Advanced Threats

Conquer the Increasingly Complex Email Attack Vector

Email is the most prominent threat vector that organizations see today, becoming the ideal carrier for a wide variety of attacks. Bad actors continue to up their skills when it comes to crafting malicious emails to look completely legitimate. Security teams have to constantly worry about malicious attachments and deceptive links leading to malware and phishing sites. Securing an organization's email infrastructure mandates checking all emails received by the organization with the speed, depth, and accuracy required to identify embedded and cleverly disguised threats.

Inspect Emails at Volume and Speed

Inspect Emails at Volume and Speed

Malicious payloads concealed within massive volumes of email data, including cleverly disguised attachments and links, is what makes email one of the hardest attack vectors to secure, and the most common entry point for ransomware attacks. Even purpose-built email protection solutions struggle to handle the overwhelming volume of emails requiring thorough analysis. 

RL provides a built-in SMTP connector that automatically scans and analyzes all emails, links, and attachments using high-speed binary analysis to rapidly identify destructive objects at the deepest levels – without the typical constraints on file size or file type. Plus, RL makes it easy to build and deploy custom YARA rules to further enhance email threat detection at scale. Integrations with top cloud email protection providers like Proofpoint, IronPort, Symantec Email Gateway, and FireEye EX/AX, ensure enterprises get the highest levels of email security without slowing down operations.

Automate Triage in the Email ‘Abuse Box’

Automate Triage in the Email ‘Abuse Box’

SOC analysts cannot make quick decisions if reported phishing attempts sent to an ‘Abuse Box’ are actually legitimate. The result is a large amount of emails sitting in the abuse box, waiting for manual analysis. Antivirus solutions are often the only tool SOC analysts have available to try to quickly identify malware, but they lack the speed and depth to unpack complex objects and detect deeply embedded malicious links in the time required to keep business communications running at pace.

RL provides direct integration to Exchange and Office365 to expose malware in your security team's email ‘Abuse Box’, and automatically moves high-risk and malicious emails to a ‘Malware Detected/Block’ folder or a ‘No Detect/Allowed’ folder if no malware is present. This automated movement allows analysts to triage faster by reducing time wasted on investigating false positives. The prioritization of high risk malware, and rapid escalation to existing triage tools optimizes investigation and containment processes and increases the ROI of all existing security tools.

Increased Email Security with Decreased SOC Alerts

Increased Email Security with Decreased SOC Alerts

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