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Go Beyond the SBOM

Get a Comprehensive Report on Software Risk and Threats

Identify malware, tampering, suspicious behavior, and more in any software package

Go Beyond the SBOM
Find Malware, Tampering, and More

Unpack Complex Software Components

Deconstruct proprietary and commercial software down to the binary level for complete risk assurance, without the need for source code.

Eliminate Blind Spots from Third-Party Software

Identify Hidden Threats Beyond the SBOM

Map specific files, artifacts, libraries, and other components to embedded threats like malware, tampering, and more to reveal meaningful risk insights.

Enable Transparency and Collaboration

Enable Transparency and Collaboration

Foster transparency between software producers and enterprise buyers with private, secure report sharing and collaboration.

The SBOM Is Not Enough

While a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a foundational first step towards building security transparency between enterprise software producers and buyers, it is merely a list of ingredients, providing little context to how internal software components map to embedded threats.

To make tangible steps towards securing the software supply chain, organizations need to have actionable security assessments that identify immediate software risks, and enable steps to mitigate them.

Demand transparency into application security practices of vendors, and the composition and contents of the software from those vendors.

Gartner®, “Mitigate Enterprise Software Supply Chain Security Risks”
Dale Gardner, 31 October 2023

Spectra Assure Goes Beyond the SBOM

Spectra Assure™ goes beyond the scope of  traditional SBOMs by generating more than a simple ingredient list. It provides a comprehensive and actionable analysis of first-, second-, and third-party components, including build artifacts, and maps them to embedded threat categories like malware, tampering, exposed secrets, and more.

Spectra Assure results can be securely and privately shared, bridging the gap between software producers, enterprise buyers, and regulators to remove barriers, build transparency, and collaborate to address critical security fixes.

Manage Commercial Software Risk

Manage Commercial Software Risk

Capture critical information for GRC, TPRM, AppSec, IT, and Procurement specialists to independently assess commercial software for security threats, and make informed risk decisions before purchasing, deploying, or updating - all without the need for source code.

Threat Insights Beyond a List of Ingredients

Threat Insights Beyond a List of Ingredients

Spectra Assure goes beyond the typical SBOM by deconstructing software packages at the binary level to not only inventory every component, library, file, container, and artifact, but also highlight embedded threats like malware, tampering, exposed secrets, and more.

Share Findings & Track Remediation Progress

Share Findings & Track Remediation Progress

 Spectra Assure enables transparency between software vendors and buyers by aggregating analysis results into digestible software risk Levels, and by providing a bi-directional view of findings through a shareable link that is:

  • Private
  • Password-protected
  • Time-gated
  • Revocable 
Prove Due Diligence for Software Shipped & Deployed

Prove Due Diligence for Software Shipped & Deployed

Enforce internal policy controls with customizable alerts and satisfy compliance mandates by generating SBOMs in either the CycloneDX or SPDX templates. This helps satisfy government regulations and guidance such as:

  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0
  • US FedRamp
  • FDA Cybersecurity in Medical Devices
  • EU Cyber Resilience Act
  • EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
  • European Union NIS2
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We are working to help establish new standards for secure software development in the industry and ReversingLabs has since become an important part of our overall efforts.


ReversingLabs enabled us to achieve unparalleled supply chain security, giving us the trust and confidence that our products are secure.


AV and vulnerability scans were not enough. ReversingLabs delivered a true solution to identify risks and exposures for our software supply chain, and deliver a comprehensive security-focused SBOM to meet the evolving needs of our customers.


Submit & Analyze

Rapidly analyze first-, second-, and third-party software components for threats, malware, exposed secrets, and more.

Pinpoint Threats

Map individual components to specific threat categories and prioritize based on risk exposure.


Share, Discuss, & Collaborate

Securely share comprehensive security assessments and collaborate on timely fixes. 



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