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eWeek: Cisco Talos and ReversingLabs warn that the Adwind Remote Access Trojan (RAT) has added capabilities that enable it bypass some anti-virus technologies

Users Clicking Through Warnings, Leading to RAT Infections

eWeek: Cisco Talos and ReversingLabs warn that the Adwind Remote Access Trojan (RAT) has added capabilities that enable it bypass some anti-virus technologies


In the new eWeek’s blog the author points out that “There are many different ways that an attacker can compromise a system, one of them is getting users to ignore warnings about risk”.

"Sadly, users often ignore warnings," Paul Rascagneres, Security Researcher, at Cisco Talos, told eWEEK.

The Adwind RAT has been active for several years, with the new method being detected in the Adwind 3.0 version of the RAT. ReversingLabs first discovered the new Adwind campaign on Sept. 10. Craig Williams, Director of Outreach, at Cisco Talos told eWEEK that Cisco and ReversingLabs are intelligence partners and both groups are part of the Cyber-Threat Alliance (CTA). Adwind is capable of attacking multiple desktop operating systems including Windows, macOS and Linux.

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