Deconstructing OneDrive & DropBox

A Cloud Storage App Throwdown

Software Package Deconstruction

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    1. Enterprise applications performing similar functions can vary greatly from one vendor to another. Understanding those differences can help when choosing one to purchase or support, and enable an informed risk assessment. 

In this episode we will look at a few popular cloud storage applications, including OneDrive and Dropbox to see how they behave, how much bloat and risk they bring with them, and some interesting easter eggs hidden within the packages.

Key episode takeaway: 

How to perform rapid repeatable comparison and risk assessment using the ReversingLabs Software Supply Chain Security platform

Presenter: Tim Stahl, Director of Field Threat Engineering, ReversingLabs | LinkedIn

About the Series:  In each episode of our application security series we will deconstruct, analyze, and expose hidden risks inside some of the largest most complex software packages using the ReversingLabs Software Supply Chain Security platform.

App Sec, TPRM, and Dev Teams will see our Software Supply Chain Security platform in action and how it provides teams with new found confidence and the ability to make Go/No Go software release decisions based on the most comprehensive view of software risk in the industry.

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