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Uncover Software Vendor Risk

How to use Software Supply Chain Analysis to Assess CI/CD Pipelines and make informed decisions

Software Package Deconstruction

Thursday, October 19 | 11-11:30am ET

**This was originally scheduled for Oct 12 and had to be rescheduled.

In this session, we will look at another way to enhance risk assessments and product evaluations of your software vendors.

Using information revealed during software package analysis you can gain insight into a vendor’s CI/CD pipeline based on the quality of the software they deliver.

Key episode takeaways: 

✓ How to use report trending to understand how issues are prioritized and corrected by different vendors

How to identify patterns within reports that can point to gaps in tooling or visibility within their own pipeline

✓ How to assess how much tech debt exists within different applications and the long term risk it may represent for consumers

These elements should be part of any software assessment.

Presenter: Tim Stahl, Director of Field Threat Engineering, ReversingLabs | LinkedIn

About the Series:  In each episode of our application security series we will deconstruct, analyze, and expose hidden risks inside some of the largest most complex software packages using the ReversingLabs Software Supply Chain Security platform.

AppSec, TPRM, and Dev Teams will see our Software Supply Chain Security platform in action and how it provides teams with new found confidence and the ability to make Go/No Go software release decisions based on the most comprehensive view of software risk in the industry.
