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RL Blog

A Message from Mario

A Message from Our CEO, Mario Vuksan

On behalf of ReversingLabs, I’d first like to personally thank the medical professionals and first responders that put their health and safety on the line every day to protect us and our communities against the risks of COVID-19. This is a unique point in time in the world’s collective human experience and we owe it to ourselves and to each other to act in the best interests of our families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, customers and communities to protect those we care about.

As ReversingLabs CEO, my first responsibility is to our employees. As most countries and states have ordered non-essential businesses to close office operations, I directed all employees to work from home, and eliminate unnecessary travel. Our priority is to ensure our staff stays healthy, and is able to care for their families, while also doing their part to maintain social distancing guidelines that will help reduce the infection rate. 

Our next responsibility is to our customers. In order to maintain optimal customer experience and service resiliency we’ve taken the necessary steps to ensure customer success, infrastructure and data center operations remain available and functioning 24x7.

We also know COVID-19 is having a significant economic impact and has put heavy financial and cyber security strains on businesses in critical industry sectors. ReversingLabs understands that organizations are in the process of making very difficult decisions in regards to staff, business operations and technology investment. We’ve seen firsthand threat actors attempting to exploit the operational transition companies have quickly had to make, and we’d like to help offload this resource burden--especially in this time of uncertainty and targeted attack growth. 

ReversingLabs has developed a COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Package at no cost for the most impacted industries struggling to maintain the right level of threat intelligence to defend against cyber attacks while making difficult decisions regarding staff and business operations.

Our Threat Intelligence cloud platform can help businesses identify and detect malware threats borne out of the crisis and new-work-from-home environments. Moreover, it is designed to securely enable the acceleration of new digital and online business processes and modern architectures, while arming the Security Operations Center with immediate insights needed to take quick action.

ReversingLabs will continue to focus on innovation, teamwork and exceptional customer service. Our success and hard work will give us the strength to overcome these unprecedented challenges together.

Emergency Assistance Package

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