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Ali Khan

Ali Khan
Field CISO for ReversingLabs. Ali N. Khan helps CTI & SOC leaders to help operationalize threat intelligence. Ali has 17 years experience within enterprise technology and cybersecurity helping organizations manage strategic, and operational cyber risk. He is the former CTO of FS-ISAC, Director of Cyber Risk Advisory at Conquest Cyber, Senior Manager of Booz Allen Hamilton Financial Services Commercial Cybersecurity Practice, and Lead Product Management for Soltra. Ali helped build the STIX/TAXII protocol with the OASIS standards body and helped architect the Pre-ATT&CK library being leveraged by the MITRE ATT&CK framework and has been a long time member and advocate of CTI sharing communities such as Infragard, ISACs, and CTA. Ali also serves as a board advisor for several cybersecurity organizations focused on securing the national critical infrastructure and lives in the SF Bay Area.

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