RL Blog

Robert Simmons

Robert Simmons
Principal Malware Researcher at ReversingLabs. With an expertise in building automated malware analysis systems based on open source tools, he has been tracking malware and phishing attacks and picking them apart for years. Robert has spoken on malware analysis at many of the top security conferences including DEFCON, HOPE, botconf, and DerbyCon among others.

Recent Posts from Robert Simmons

Five Uses of YARA

Five Uses of YARA

YARA is a useful member of the toolset of researchers, threat hunters, incident responder, and many other defenders.
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Retread Ransomware

Retread Ransomware

In March of 2020, MalwareHunterTeam discovered a downloader which installed both a KPot infostealer as well as a second payload which was a ransomware variant that used the string "CoronaVirus".
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RATs in the Library

RATs in the Library

Public hosting sites present a challenge for defenders when exploited by adversaries to conceal payloads using various encoding techniques
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Hunting for Ransomware

Hunting for Ransomware

Many ransomware families have changed their tactics and victim-targeting in recent years. Rather than indiscriminate attacks against anyone they’re able to infect, they have moved to a process called “big game hunting”.
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