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Highlights from Black Hat USA 2019

Highlights from Black Hat USA 2019

Last week the 22nd annual Black Hat conference hosted over 19,000 security professionals in Las Vegas. By all measures, it was a great event, particularly for ReversingLabs, and we wanted to share a few exciting outcomes and informative findings.

Great industry recognition:
Great conference participation:
  • Day 1 - uncovering attendee’s challenges in detecting new threats and finding things getting past existing protections.


  • Day 2 - more deep dives in to market challenges, how ReversingLabs can address them , and industry recognition for our solution approach and technology!


  • And cool swag!


Great audience engagement:

What is great about Black Hat is the breadth of skills and experiences of attendees. And we did our best to engage with all our visitors to understand their needs--- this is what we learned:

  • A wide variety of roles within their organizations:

Visitors by Key Security and Ops Roles

  • And they wanted to discuss a diverse set of security use cases:

Visitors by Key Use Cases of Interest-1


Black Hat retains its status as one of the premier security events in the industry and is still going strong after 22 years. Attendees included:

  • Malware analysts and researchers with interests in exploring new tools in detecting and investigating threats, 
  • SOC teams looking to automate key processes and perhaps more importantly find better tools that guide and accelerate responses, 
  • Engineers and Architects exploring where these new tools fit into their existing security ecosystem and how to do it, and last but not least,
  • Executives and Security Leaders who are prioritizing investments in next gen security platforms that will address both current and future challenges.

To learn more about ReversingLabs, attend our Aug 27 webinar How to Identify Hidden & Destructive Objects in Your Environment

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