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Live Interview: Mario Vuksan sits down with Dark Reading News at BlackHat USA 2018

Filtering the Threat Intelligence Tsunami


If you stopped by ReversingLabs' booth at Black Hat USA 2018, you learned about Malware Retro-hunting and you likely discussed how TitaniumCloud, ReversingLabs industry leading File Intelligence Service just surpassed 7 Billion malware and goodware samples. More than doubling its nearest competitor. 

But you probably missed ReversingLabs CEO, Mario Vuksan sitting down with Dark Reading News editor Lenny Liebmann to discuss how to optimize a threat intelligence program to help analysts deal with a growing amount of irrelevant global intelligence.  Mario explains that by building a targeted pull model, analysts are able to focus on relevant data, and effectively hunt for unknown, zero-day, and early "kill chain" malware attacks.  Mario also answers questions about building out a local threat intelligence infrastructure to drive this new model

Watch as Mario explains how to shift a threat intelligence program to a more effective "pull" model that focuses on YARA-type binary pattern matching. 

Filtering The Threat Intelligence Tsunami: http://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/filtering-the-threat-intelligence-tsunami/v/d-id/1332585  


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