Customer Story

Global Investment Firm: Streamlining YARA Rule Management with Spectra Analyze

A leading global investment fund selected ReversingLabs Spectra Analyze to help its team streamline their YARA workflows and ruleset management.

With a growing number of YARA rulesets from multiple sources, they needed to implement a solution that would drive higher quality rulesets with the most impact – quality vs quantity.

A More Impactful YARA Workflow

YARA plays a large role in the company’s threat detection and hunting efforts. The company harvests YARA rulesets from various sources, then publishes rules to multiple third-party security tools. However, its existing workflow of testing and validating rules for deployment was becoming inefficient and less effective. 

ReversingLabs provided a better way. With Spectra Analyze, the company’s security team can easily and automatically import, update, and sync YARA rulesets from third-party sources, then quickly validate rules against RL’s global threat intelligence data corpus – all from a single interface.

This has not only simplified the management and administration of their multi-source YARA rulesets, but has also resulted in greater workflow efficiencies and more effective malware detection.

  • Customer | Global Investment Firm
  • Headquarters | United States
  • Employees | 1,300
  • Industry | Financial Services

Makes the workflow very ‘set and forget’ in most cases.

Sr. Threat Researcher


  • Maintaining YARA rulesets from multiple sources
  • Lack of integration between disparate YARA repos
  • Difficulty validating YARA rules


  • Spectra Analyze provides powerful YARA capabilities for developing, testing, deploying, and managing advanced rulesets with ease


  • Spectra Analyze centralized and simplified YARA rule management
  • Allowed for easy integration with third-party repositories
  • Enabled security team to automatically track and store rulesets from multiple sources
  • Significantly improved YARA rule validation in efficacy and speed

All RL Solutions

  • Spectra Analyze

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