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ReversingLabs Optimizes ThreatConnect

Deeper Intelligence for Your TIP and SOAR


ThreatConnect + ReversingLabs = Intelligence Driven Operations

You can depend on ThreatConnect enhanced by ReversingLabs to provide your organization with the tools to stay ahead of advanced malware threats. It’s difficult to predict the next threat when your SOC (Security Operations Center) analysts and threat hunters have to waste time piecing together malware indicators from disparate sources.

Instead of racing against the clock to find malware before it executes, the ThreatConnect platform aggregates, optimizes and manages cyber threat intelligence, providing a complete picture of an organization's threat intelligence posture helping you to drive down cyber risk and lower your CRQ (Cyber Risk Quantification) score.

To add more ammunition to the ThreatConnect cyber intelligence arsenal, ReversingLabs optimizes the ThreatConnect platform with must-have threat intelligence for your TIP and SOAR:


ReversingLabs TIP Enhancements

  • Ransomware indicators and automation enhancements from ReversingLabs for security controls that reduce risk with more proactive prevention
  • Improve decision making with contextual and situational awareness, plus automated tagging of MITRE ATT&CK techniques

ReversingLabs SOAR Enhancements

Powerful, automated ReversingLabs file analysis and reputation service via cloud or on-premises:

  • uses a global reputation database of over 14 billion files, providing malware details and context to accelerate your response
  • improves incident prioritization and management
  • file reputation assessments indicate BOTH “bad” and “good” files
  • optional file privacy feature if your organization prefers to keep its data and files private

This feed enriches our large data sets of early stage ransomware variants and helps us prioritize our threat modeling.

VP of Threat Intelligence   |   Large Financial Services Institution

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