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The State of Software Supply Chain Security Report 2023

Software supply chain attacks show no signs of slowing down. As threats multiply, new approaches and tools are key to staying ahead. Learn how to protect your organization.


Software supply chain attacks are surging

Software supply chain security attacks skyrocketed in 2022:


ReversingLabs’ 2023 The State of Software Supply Chain Security Report helps you understand the major trends from 2022 and what lies ahead for attacks and defenses in 2023.

It includes:
Key trends in software supply chain security
How and where supply chain threats have mounted
New federal mandates for supply chain security (EO 14028 etc.)
Emerging best practices to get ahead of supply chain risk in 2023
Four steps to start your software supply chain security program

Read the ReversingLabs 2023 State of Software Supply Chain Security Report

Key report insights


Malicious actors are taking advantage of the industry’s trust in open source software repositories.

Threat actors do this by implanting malicious code that is then amplified by the repositories, extending the reach of attacks.ReversingLabs new report found that the biggest playground for malicious actors is the popular JavaScript repository npm, with the number of malicious npm packages jumping by more than 40% this year.


Multiple supply chain threats are on the table

Not only have attacks on open-source software repositories increased, but attack methods have continued to evolve and exploit organizational mistakes. Two popular attacks are typosquatting and secrets leaks. Typosquatting happens when malicious actors are able to trick developers into downloading a malicious package, rather than the legitimate one. Secrets leaks — when an organization leaves sensitive information in public source code — are another example of how a glanced-over mistake can be taken advantage of by cybercriminals.


The need to take action

Based on the numbers from the past couple of years, software supply chain attacks will continue to be robust in 2023 and beyond. But the vast increase in these attacks also makes it likely that organizations will be more prepared than ever before to defend against and prepare for these kinds of threats. Download our State of Software Supply Chain Security report now to learn four steps to start your software supply chain security program.

Read the ReversingLabs 2023 State of Software Supply Chain Security Report