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Going Behind the Scenes of Cybercrime Group FIN6’s Attack On Retail and Hospitality

See how ReversingLabs delivers the actionable insights needed for threat hunters to find attacks related to a FIN6 reverse shell

Robert Simmons
Blog Author

Robert Simmons, Principal Malware Researcher at ReversingLabs.

FIN6 Reverse Shell

A step that an adversary takes during the post exploitation phase of an attack is to establish a command line interface (CLI) with a computer inside the victim’s network. One recent incident demonstrates the entire intrusion set operated by FIN6[1], a financially motivated threat actor group. This incident shows the phishing email used to gain initial access to the various attack chain components including a reverse shell DLL to provide a command line interface to the adversary.[2] The use of the More_eggs[3] Javascript backdoor in this intrusion set links this incident to FIN6.[4] Companies in the retail and hospitality sectors have been targeted by this group with a specific interest in attacking point of sale (PoS) systems.[5]  What follows is a focused examination of the reverse shell DLL[6] used by FIN6 in this particular incident. Incident responders or threat hunters can take the insights learned here and apply them to similar threats to speed up their investigations.

Identifying the Sample Using Static and Dynamic Analysis

Starting with static analysis of the DLL, one export is found: DllRegisterServer. This is important later on during dynamic analysis in a debugger and in an automated malware analysis environment. This export is how the DLL must be executed when analyzing it via rundll32.exe. This export can be found using the Titanium Platform as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: DllRegisterServer Export

Figure 1: DllRegisterServer Export

Next, looking at the assembly code of the DLL in a disassembler, the procedure immediately after the entry point is a form of execution dispatcher. This particular procedure matches a publicly available YARA rule, “PureBasicDLLNeilHodgson”.[7] The instructions matched by this rule are are highlighted in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Instructions Immediately After Entry Point

Figure 2: Instructions Immediately After Entry Point

The byte string shown here hones in on the first instructions in this procedure:

83 7C 24 08 01 75 ?? 8B 44 24 04 A3 ?? ?? ?? 10 E8

This rule is effective, but does not cover the entire procedure. Depending on inclusion or exclusion of certain PureBasic options in the source code itself, this procedure can change. Therefore, to write a rule which is resilient to any of this type of change, a reference set of benign DLLs compiled using PureBasic must be used. Starting with the source code for a sample DLL which has no user code, a set of “hello world” DLLs were compiled using PureBasic versions 4.10 to 5.71. By analyzing the reference DLLs created by this process, an improved YARA rule for detecting PureBasic DLLs was developed. This new YARA signature is provided at the end of the blog.

The next step is to execute the DLL in an analysis environment and observe the execution in a debugger. By placing a breakpoint on the DllRegisterServer export location in Figure 3, the malicious code in the DLL may be examined.

Figure 3: DllRegisterServer Export Location

Figure 3: DllRegisterServer Export Location

The IP address and port used to communicate with the command and control infrastructure are both obfuscated in an identical manner as shown in Figures 4 and 5. This obfuscation is a type of defensive evasion meant to prevent these indicators from being extracted during static analysis.[8] This same obfuscation technique is seen throughout the sample to hide various strings that are important for the malware’s execution.

Figure 4: C2 IP Address 185.204.2[.]182

Figure 4: C2 IP Address 185.204.2[.]182

Figure 5: C2 Port 443

Figure 5: C2 Port 443

During dynamic analysis, the sample connects out to this IP address over HTTPS. It presents a cmd.exe shell for the adversary to use in the directory that the DLL is located. This allows the adversary to run arbitrary commands on the victim’s computer. This SSL traffic can be decrypted and observed as seen in Figure 6 showing the command prompt.

Figure 6: Decrypted Command Shell C2 Traffic

Figure 6: Decrypted Command Shell C2 Traffic

Finding Related Malware Using the Titanium Platform

This particular sample is cryptographically signed using a software signing certificate. The organization name for this certificate is “D Bacte Ltd”. The details of the software signing certificate can be seen in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Software Signing Certificate

Figure 7: Software Signing Certificate

By using the search feature in the Titanium Platform, two additional related malicious DLLs are found that have the same serial number. [10] [11] Both of them are related to the FIN6 DLL and were signed using the same certificate.[12] The specific search index used to find them is the “cert-serial” query keyword. Details from these two files is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Files Related via Signing Certificate

Figure 8: Files Related via Signing Certificate

In addition to these two files related via signing certificate, one additional file is found to be related via the ReversingLabs Hash Algorithm (RHA). This algorithm finds files with similar functionality and features, often leveraged by threat hunters to pivot during their analysis.[13] This additional file can be seen in Figure 9.[14]

Figure 9: Malware Related via RHA

Figure 9: Malware Related via RHA

In addition to these three related malware files, a cluster of five more files can be found by focusing on the specific bytes of the obfuscation algorithm used throughout the sample. These additional files are quite interesting in that there is no other clear relationship between them and the main sample in question. According to information about the More_eggs javascript backdoor found on the open source, it is being peddled as malware-as-a-service (MaaS) in the underground.[15] The source code for the obfuscator found in this reverse shell DLL is probably being reused by the MaaS provider in other malware files. A full set of identifying hashes of these additional files all related by code reuse is provided at the end of the blog. A YARA rule for detecting this obfuscation technique is provided at the end of the blog.


As we have seen, there are multiple methods one can use in the Titanium Platform to discover related malware files starting with a single malicious DLL. In addition to focusing on code reuse across malware families, checking for abused certificates used to sign other files can reveal additional campaigns from the same adversary. Finally, using multiple static features in the files, the ReversingLabs Hash Algorithm can reveal even more files that may not have any other obvious linkages to the sample in question.



Known FIN6
MD5 3b9646bf2d791e5ef4633e802f23e305
SHA1 aeedcec7df9cf5d1241649c8066e652d688da4b3
SHA256 78a87d540c1758c6b4dcabb7b825ea3a186ef61e7439045ece3ce3205c7e85a2
ssdeep 384:a2Ln/QKEX+olUWivxFqlveUigMK6js28h:apKEJlU1Uni7Kgs28h
Import Hash 0a0a6d30a8b0852b78b5c722c5688921
Cert Serial 1d8a233cedec0e13df1bda8248dc79a5
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 20728
Compile Timestamp 2017-07-21 15:43:17
First Seen 2019-02-27T02:25:43Z

Related via Certificate
MD5 c6899904284c57f9ccca1b5bd26a59d8
SHA1 6a6ecefe0c79d200ba6eed19f80cf8b9e6ee4cbe
SHA256 d39f8aa90d54fd010484d7bb54c18549c3f03b02385020a35589dbe49e979bab
ssdeep 3072:L/5Xcl35B58QHis6EYr6iWEQq1TvlYWWi2lO3HgmUkYp5V+ZK:raF3S1s6EYhB1VvldWNlOwfJDX
Import Hash d65969f77a5bbb126f5984c18adf9c0a
Cert Serial 1d8a233cedec0e13df1bda8248dc79a5
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 112888
Compile Timestamp 2019-02-21 12:01:42
First Seen 2019-02-27T04:45:17Z
MD5 89314a469de69addafff5b5d7a96071d
SHA1 db6293e52da21fcceb7efdc275e75ec1dd99f9e6
SHA256 511ad7705b216e7e472e496beba53856c97520eac12c83fa0d391594327e80f7
ssdeep 12288:/qKrUC3639ewCGQEbr0AC2VvpGV1OtQxd6+dxRk5aOE+Cj5TyvV01BQDpCY:/qKrUCqN9CGQEbr0AC2VvsVgwdbk5aOV
Import Hash e9bfa7a6ac5a0973e87f28d7aab26ddd
Cert Serial 1d8a233cedec0e13df1bda8248dc79a5
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 487160
Compile Timestamp 2019-02-21 10:36:05
First Seen 2019-03-01T17:48:00Z


Related via RHA
MD5 70f299ab247519e2dda8e172ae346277
SHA1 3c7e3ecea9b4a58c3425a792cd34916a13be9f4d
SHA256 db93d7f80dddb450e0efeabb302d4e6d48a53457309a6369760007911b8f4af8
ssdeep 3072:R/5Xcl35B58QHis6EYr6iWEQq1TvlYWWi2lO3HgmUkYp+V:JaF3S1s6EYhB1VvldWNlOwfJi
Import Hash d65969f77a5bbb126f5984c18adf9c0a
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 118784
Compile Timestamp 2010-08-01 10:32:37
First Seen 2019-03-02T19:06:00Z

Related via Code Reuse
MD5 ec885733d385c50954bdbb8b76e8b33d
SHA1 af2d788829c401319522de8f8cd43659137c4ed7
SHA256 06cc276d474aa6295b1034ce4ee110681fcd45a2897e6891867036bf4ecc6fd3
ssdeep 3072:IYtL4J6vafaEI/gISKDgU8JuD6A7WcCUEDTpeL9kZ6owF+5cJ2LLtUhEKNqAdy:VtLtZEIYId8k2IChD166zwF+o2Li8E
Import Hash b293d2c7113526ce6d7caceb0f7f4012
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 247808
Compile Timestamp 2001-08-17 20:52:32
First Seen 2019-10-24T06:07:05Z
MD5 fe2d6b4511ac81221684a5f6a0634a4b
SHA1 d44f36b61ae119b1109829d8b2b2230b1d51cc6f
SHA256 09ed9ba079a9d73291aff33b654f9b92b2b277049bc908b5b2359d9b8766bd4b
ssdeep 1536:IMgAK2KE7gFlvM3gkb0tuWXOvkJtxfVpICdtJ4n/5RbOhekj:9gAKVsgFl1kApJJt1cCLJqxRb/k
Import Hash 88f82612e092beed65357b6b88dda282
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 125440
Compile Timestamp 2019-01-03 8:34:14
First Seen 2019-09-07T14:01:31Z
MD5 14503cc985d8a9517fa530293865dae4
SHA1 6a2320c4b2782659cdbe358f8ea348d1a7c7e010
SHA256 683ab2f2dd56486c9dcd6ee3593d2b5f69cd354713fee46abd5ab4e8e6ac3646
ssdeep 6144:SC0nhiurEfFN98UX/CXTVSWHSg/N1NiseD:SC0hHGBPEV/bN1zeD
Import Hash 887bae442dd37f1dc38db6af1a67e0ee
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 243712
Compile Timestamp 2001-08-17 20:52:32
First Seen 2019-09-17T21:03:25Z
MD5 39702286994d7023b3d002cf31e1a6ad
SHA1 d2c57b707099ed02e2f2a32600d5356ee2e0d1d0
SHA256 bb4346b5d92cf4b0333096c2d2da785e30893ee3c60b700a79bb26df7f349e04
ssdeep 3072:F13opWebS6mwwk0CB387bbsQoJSc8sj5fzTt/fBNC0fX:LA8Po836jjFTx7tfX
Import Hash 9f6f979fc06c9cd0b73dd25469a8ad6f
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 151552
Compile Timestamp 2014-02-26 1:43:53
First Seen 2018-04-17T05:35:36Z
MD5 302461e359118d3b8024dab1c75e7ff9
SHA1 eda80c82c81f7439e8221e05dc3abd59b322a5e0
SHA256 f25a4f09d8115bc7781e31356a082143182925529e7d7548ea5ff139c3b37afd
ssdeep 6144:G1C2gy43AgNoZ97WwaEkzp+bQLx64hLQD:G1C2gy596VfpZED
Import Hash 574fc17ae9337d6a0c26327a263a2a0f
File Type Win32 DLL
Magic PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File Size 243200
Compile Timestamp 2019-07-05 11:50:34
First Seen 2019-07-12T17:59:27Z

IP Address



rule PureBasicDLL
author = "Malware Utkonos"
date = "2019-11-02"
$op1 = { 83 7C ( 24 | 25 ) ?? 0? 75 }
pe.DLL and all of them and
$op1[1] at pe.entry_point and
for 4 i in (1..#op1) : ( @op1[i] >= pe.entry_point and @op1[i] <= pe.entry_point + 100 )

rule ObfuscatorDLL
author = "Malware Utkonos"
date = "2019-10-05"
exemplar = "78a87d540c1758c6b4dcabb7b825ea3a186ef61e7439045ece3ce3205c7e85a2"
$op1 = /(\x8d\x15.{4}\x8d\x0d.{4}\xe8.{4}){3}/
pe.DLL and all of them and
uint32(@op1 + 13) - uint32(@op1 + 30) == uint32(@op1 + 30) - uint32(@op1 + 47)

[1] https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/actor/fin6

[2] https://securityintelligence.com/posts/more_eggs-anyone-threat-actor-itg08-strikes-again/

[3] https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/js.more_eggs

[4] https://usa.visa.com/dam/VCOM/global/support-legal/documents/fin6-cybercrime-group-expands-threat-To-ecommerce-merchants.pdf

[5] https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0037/

[6] 78a87d540c1758c6b4dcabb7b825ea3a186ef61e7439045ece3ce3205c7e85a2

[7] https://github.com/Yara-Rules/rules/blob/master/Packers/packer.yar

[8] https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1140/

[9] https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1116/

[10] 511ad7705b216e7e472e496beba53856c97520eac12c83fa0d391594327e80f7

[11] d39f8aa90d54fd010484d7bb54c18549c3f03b02385020a35589dbe49e979bab

[12] 1d8a233cedec0e13df1bda8248dc79a5

[13] https://www.reversinglabs.com/technology/reversinglabs-hash-algorithm

[14] db93d7f80dddb450e0efeabb302d4e6d48a53457309a6369760007911b8f4af8

[15] https://medium.com/@quoscient/golden-chickens-uncovering-a-malware-as-a-service-maas-provider-and-two-new-threat-actors-using-61cf0cb87648


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